Hosting as a couple, is the spark you need to unlock the joy of hosting all while enhancing your marriage from the start! Wait what? How will hosting as a couple enhance my marriage AND unlock the joy of hosting?
Every new couple wants to share their fresh love and joy with everyone through food, fun, & entertainment! It’s one of the first things every new couple envisions: welcoming people into the new home they are creating together.
Hosting as a couple requires teamwork & connecting with your partner.
Through the sheer act of hosting, you are also connecting on a new level with your spouse / partner! You know the phrase: “There is no “I” in team” . . . well that applies 100% to hosting at home. It’s not a 1-person show. Even though I am the world’s expert on hosting at home, I absolutely could not host-at-home without my #1 partner in life—my husband, Darren (also known as Sweet D)!
Sweet D Mize in our Kitchen–very focused!
We created our Steak & Wine nights as a couple during our first year of marriage. Without a doubt, there were some intense moments as we figured out where my strengths in the kitchen & dining room married his strengths working the grill & formulating craft cocktails. Every time we host, we learn something about each other AND we learn from each other. Over the last 11 years of our marriage, I can tell you that hosting together has made us stronger together, allowed us to see how each other shines in the kitchen, AND laugh together. YES–we have had some serious HOSTING FAILS that were hilarious.
Our teamwork in hosting as a couple has led us to deeply connect with one another and that comes through as a couple when we host.
~Michelle Mize, Founder, Sun Cookery
Hosting as a couple requires creating your couple brand of hospitality & integrating your individual styles.
More challenging than figuring out how to connect and host-at-home as a team, is the merging of your styles! YES–the good ol’ wedding registry is the start of selecting all those pretty new gadgets, dinnerware, cookware, and everything in between. So, while you settle into unwrapping and using those kitchen and dining necessities–you also have to consider how to bring it all together.
Our Sun Cookery Hosting boxes accomplish just that–so, you might consider dropping some hints for a few guests to go off-registry and take a look at how our current hosting boxes can help you:
Create a neutral tabletop that goes with your new tableware with the Foundations Box
Pull together a fun cocktail gathering using that new grill from your registry with the Pineapples on the Patio Box!
For fun, we put together some inspiration below to get you thinking about how your couple brand of hospitality might come together. So, grab your “soon-to-be” over to your computer and have fun figuring out which hosting style y’all want to share with everyone! Whatever your COUPLE BRAND OF HOSPITALITY is, one thing is for sure–we all love a fresh start!
Four Seasons Formal Soiree
Sun Cookery Foundations Box Formal Tabletop
Ralph Lauren Ranch Rendevoux
Sun Cookery Foundation Box Yellowstone Tabletop
Tommy Bahama Casual Caribbean Celebration
Sun Cookery Foundations Box Caribbean Tabletop
Cocktails Only Casamigos Gathering
Sun Cookery Foundations Box Tequila-Inspired Tabletop
Hosting is a great way to connect and bring together each others friends, family, and colleagues as a couple!